You Are Loved ❤️

weekly card readings Feb 11, 2019

Happy Valentines Day week!

What do you love in your life?  What “Sparks Joy”?

I personally love what I do - I love talking to you and doing readings for you.  I love talking at events or facilitating a workshop or retreat.  Of course I love my family so, so much and I'm excited that Jenkins will be coming home for reading week and then the 3 of us are going skiing to Powder King.  I will admit I haven’t skied for a while and am a bit nervous, but i'll stretch myself and get up on those skis while praying for warm weather!  

Here is your card reading for the next couple weeks all about Love, love, love - compassion, empathy and unconditional love.

I love YOU! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️   

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