Fruit Carpaccio

meatless monday Jul 23, 2018

Ethereal ribbons of sweetness lie across the tongue, relieved by the spicy explosion of jalapeño. Unctuous whipped coconut cream soothes the palate.

Fruit Carpaccio

Using a mandolin or your finest knife skills, slice paper thin slices of your favourite fruits.  

1 dragon fruit peeled
1 red plum
1 blood orange peeled
1 large globe grape per plate
2 x 3/4” cubes of watermelon per plate
2 – 3 slices jalapeño per plate
Scant sprinkle Maldon salt
Basil chiffonade
Dollop whip coconut cream
Dollop dairy free sorbetto

Using a plain white plate, artistically arrange fruit, starting with the largest. With a very light hand stud the fruit with salt and basil. Top with the cream and sorbetto.  I love the blueberry/basil, or strawberry/rhubarb from Fiasco Gelato, but whatever your preference!

Whipped coconut cream

1 tin coconut milk refrigerated overnight
1-2 Tablespoons icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Chill coconut milk at least 8 hours. Open carefully and put solids in a chilled bowl, making sure not to mix with liquid. Reserve liquid for another use. Using chilled beaters whip coconut for 5-7 minutes until stiff peaks form. Gently beat in sugar and vanilla.  Store in an airtight glass container up to three days.

A decadent yet light ending to dinner.

XOXO Vicky

Recipe designer – Vicky Gosse
Photo credit – Georgia Gosse

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