A Nod to Mothers

weekly card readings May 14, 2018

Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there, as well as the feminine healing energy that our world needs right now. Notice the importance of mother energy and lets fully value it as we see it’s worth in our lives and everyone on this planet.

Here is your 3 – card oracle reading for this next week with a nod to Mothers, Mother Energy and your HerStory!

BODY: CHANTING– Sound . Vibration
Chanting allows the molecules of our body to tingle, expand and heal all of our HerStories.

MINDCOBBLER/BUTTERFLY– Opening . Transformation
Open up to all the healing energy of the 2nd chakra. Transforming and accepting our goddess, feminine energy or being a yogini.

SPIRIT: 3rd EYE CHAKRA– Intuition . Purpose . Perception
Yes you have the answers within you already.  What is your soul saying to you on how to heal your Herstory. See the value of all the great things that you do and bring to your family and community.

Love and Namaste,
Candace xoxox

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