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Re-Align With Your Vision
4-Part Video Series
What if your intuition will help you get your next BIG BREAK?
I KNOW you have a message to share with the world - It's your Dharma (Purpose). You've always know it. It's time the world knows it!
Welcome to Candace's site, where you'll you will stop playing small! See your value and OWN YOUR GREATNESS!
One of Candace's Super Powers is her ability to simplify Spirituality and Business. It doesn't have to be complicated! With her simple and proven steps you will fully connect with your intuition, embrace your importance and make the money and impact that you are here to do!

Candace's Online Offerings, Workshops
and Services

Candace is recognized as a leading expert speaker on Intuition, Business as well as on Women & Worth, Wealth & Wellness. Book Candace for a keynote speaker at your event.

Work With Candace
Here's how you can work with Candace:
~ Lead With Intuition self study course
~ One to One Coaching
~ Intuitive Coaching Academy Certification Training

What is Yogini?
Candace’s wise and fun-loving approach guides women to courageously connect to their purpose through their intuition and to level up their spiritual businesses.

Check out all of Candace's upcoming Trainings such as her Intuitive Coaching Academy.

A La Carte Items
Find all my Retail Items here that accompany her Online Courses & Workshops.

Yoga Classes & Meditations
Join Candace for a series of Yoga classes on video. Plus, gain access to her FREE Meditation!

About Us
Candace guides you to identify your path, supporting you to courageously stay connected to your intuition and value your feminine power.

Contact Us
Questions? Need help?
Get in touch with Candace for more information regarding any of her services.

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Don't worry we won't be spamming you...just keeping you informed.

Brenda Pelland-McIntosh
Candace’s workshop helped to motivate me to trust my own intuition as well as the confidence to seek out others to support and nourish it. The combination of her book “Yogini’s guide – Intuition is a choice ‘ with the workshop is like having my personal ‘Yogini” coach. Finally someone who brings Yoga to “real” life practice and teaches us why we do the poses and how they can help us. Brilliant workshop by someone who lives what she believes and follows her own intuition.

Jori-lynn Strong
After attending Candace Mckim’s Intuition Is A Choice workshop I felt confident and empowered to listen to the quiet voice within. This voice is our connection to the Divine and will always guide us to be our best selves. Candace helps you discover the power of your femininity and to step into it and own it. She shares her wisdom of yoga, diet, chakras and meditation in a way that makes it seem doable so that we can all find balance, joy and peace in our lives. Thank you Candace for helping me find the tools I need to be more connected with the love and support that comes from within. Namaste.

Leona Devinne
I attended the Intuition is a Choice workshop and I can honestly say it changed my life. Candace is an amazing guide-she has an incredible capacity to go very deep, share her wisdom and and at the same time you can feel her joy and have some fun. At one point we were asked to listen to our intuition. I immediately heard "Ask for help' when I tried to dismiss it, it was booming in my head. That workshop was almost a year ago and I hear that same message on an almost daily basis-it has changed how I live and lead and helped me launch an incredible non profit. I don’t know where I would be without that 'tap' and the opportunity to listen.
Intuition Is A Choice- TedX Talk
Candace McKim is a Yoga / Chakra Therapist and Spiritual Director who combines the wisdom and benefits of Yoga with her Social Work / Counselling Experience and her own life situations to help you on your path to Optimal Health.
Women & Worth, Wealth & Wellness- B
In this talk Candace McKim inspires WOMEN to get excited about re-connecting to powerful divine femininity by truly honouring personal herstories.